
Hi… And welcome to my first attempt at a blog… ever!

If you have ever seen the Life of Walter Mitty or even the cult classic Fight Club, it would be reflective of the person that I have become. Trapped in a world of wanting more, I am a self-proclaiming a heart of the lion and the courage of 10,000 men with a constant burning inside.

I have always had the gut feeling I was meant for greatness. That I would one day lead men into battle or save children from a burning building and that life would fall gently into place.

Buried in debt and spending my days in a swivel chair; I live dangerously by eating grapes from the produce bag before the cashier can make me pay for them I am ready for a new challenge.

Not to say I have not yet lived or wouldn’t stab an intruder with the quickness if I had to. I have found myself wanting a creative outlet where I can be passionate about life.

As this blog grows I believe so will I in my constant pursuit of happiness.

Some things you read here will be true life stories, some embellished fictions, moments of motivation and sprinkles of education.

I plan to dedicate myself to the blog and watch it grow into something that reveals my greatness (at the risk of sounding cocky) to those who read it.

Thanks for joining me on this amazing journey.


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