New 30 Day Challenge

Whats the Challenge?

For the next 30 day challenge, I will be doing a ten pound weight loss challenge.

Why the weight loss goal?

Well beyond the simple reason of I need to lose weight, it will be another great test in discipline and self awareness. I will challenge myself to change the lifestyle I have become accustomed to in efforts to create a better me.

How did I gain the weight?

The simple answer is life took over, got an office job, too stressed and tired to keep on top of it… and so on. But here’s the truth: I’ve gained the weight because its easy. It takes no effort to be out of shape and best of all, you cant  fail at it. It will just naturally happen for you. I eat poorly because it tastes good and I am lazy cuz it takes no effort.

How are you going to lose the weight?

Simple. Diet and Exercise. I have set myself up with a diet plan and work out schedule. Nothing too crazy but something that requires my effort each and every day. I love to walk, and I love chicken so be prepared to see and read a lot about those two topics over the next 30 days.

Do you think you can do it?

Hell Yes!!! Next Question.

You’ve lost the weight before, how will this time be different?

I honestly have no idea. But here is what I know…. I want a better life. For me and for my daughter who has brought me so much joy. When I watch these life coaches and inspirational people, absolutely none of them say you don’t need to take care of your body. I know that when I am healthier/skinnier I have more pride, I have more patience and I have more confidence to kick the shit out of the day. And when I am not, I cower, I sit and I wallow. It’s the reality of my life. And I’m ready to change that.

Can I try too?

Hell Yes! I love doing things in groups and having people around me help me get motivated. If you want to take this challenge feel free to post on the facebook page.  and lets connect!


I plan to keep everyone posted at the very least twice a week to let you know how its going. I tell you blogging is its own discipline exercise on its own!

Thanks for reading!!!



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