30 Day Challenges


An Apple A Day….

Recently I wrote about my desire to be better in life and my inability to implement a plan. Well, this is all changing thanks to my new adventure we are on.

I have decided to create a “30 Day Challenge” feature to the blog where I challenge myself to something for 30 days that is meant to better my current situation.

For my first 30 day challenge, I have chosen something simple. Or so it seems.

I have chosen that for 30 straight days I will eat an Apple a day.

Image result for Apples

That’s it. That’s all I have to do to reach my goal. One juicy, delicious apple each day for thirty days.

Now, my “haters” would say that’s a stupid goal, waste of time, you wont impact any real change with only eating an apple a day.

But I think you are wrong… And here’s why.

The late, great Jim Rohn has a quote I’d like to share with you…

“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day”.

Now, I could overload my self with a ton of quick fix ideas. Go crazy with the promises of a thirty day challenge. “I wont eat out, I wont drink caffeine, I wont eat bread, Ill be at the gym every night, etc.”

But here’s what happens… I kick as for about 2 weeks until I slip up and drink a Pepsi, and since I drank a Pepsi I may miss the gym that day, and missing the gym allows me time to go out to dinner and eat some french fries, and it snowballs until often I feel worse off than I did when I started the journey.

So this time, I am focused on my discipline of one simple juicy and delicious apple a day.

Day 1 in the books… 29 to go…

Check out my Youtube video: https://youtu.be/CwzPNkjuzNw

Check out a clip of Jim Rohn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdaPVoG2qAE

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