Blogging is Hard

Well, its happened again… I know, I know…. I Suck.

I have fallen behind  and allowed three months to pass since my last blog post.


Let me first say that I could simply just admit that I am a lazy guy and take the path of least resistance. Its who I can often fall back to in time. I accept that about myself.

Blogging and being creative, on a consistent basis, is freaking hard. Finding and writing quality content is not an easy thing to do. Especially when you aren’t on some magical journey and just working paycheck to paycheck to pay your bills. Your life can seem boring and unimportant, to put in into words for others to read can leave you open for scrutiny that you may not be ready for.

Also, once you post something that YOU think is awesome, deep and meaningful, does anyone else give a crap???

Regardless, I’m here now. Still on a financial journey to better myself. 1 step forward 2 step back type of thing. Working at a frustrated and often un-challenging  job but its paying my bills and I like the people so I will stay.

So Im back in a creative mode personally. I want to build more, write more, share more so Im going to give this blogging thing another go!

Keep an eye out for a funny story coming out by tomorrow night…. Ok Thursday Night……. Ok By NEXT WEEK!

Ok Ill just surprise you.






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