Smart Conference

So this past weekend I was lucky enough to attend the Smart Conference here in Phoenix put on by Dave Ramsey. And as many of you know he’s a money guy, but the awesome thing about this event is that it wasn’t money driven.  I mean they definitely discussed money in many aspects but more than that they talked about life and aligning yourself for success. 

There were 9 total speaker all giving great presentations on awesome topics.

Dr. Les Parrott – Why we fight.  A great discussion as to why mean and women fight the true meaning behind the argument.

Chris Hogan – Retire Inspired – Bringing attention to the fact that retirement starts now and that you need to dream your future and then make it happen.

Chris Brown – Living Generously  – The importance of gratitude and stewardship is when it comes to life and families.

Rachel Cruze – Love your Life, Not Theirs – Stop keeping up with the Jones and adopt better money habits.

Dr. Henry Cloud – The Path to Better Boundaries – Understanding boundaries in relationships.

Dr. Meg Meeker – Being a Hero Dad – The importance of having a quality and valued with your daughter. This topic hit home with me and I’m excited to expound on its content.

Anthony Oneal – It’s That Serious – Every decision you make will affect your tomorrow.

Christy Wright – When Things Get Out Of Balance – How to balance life, work, family and debt effectively.

Dave Ramsey – The Power of Intentionality. You Become What You Think About – Bringing the day to a close he reminded us of all the days lesson and reiterated the importance that it is US that must make the change.

Over the coming weeks I plan to write a blog for each topic and how it impacts me and my life.

But today I want to discuss a few key elements that were discussed that really hit home with me.

First, being that we were in Phoenix, they spoke to the mythological creature that our great city in named after. The Phoenix, associated with the sun, was a long-lived bird that toward the end of its life would catch fire and from its ashes be reborn. This metaphor symbolizes the fact that from the ashes we can all rise for a colorful future. The mantra for the moment was “Rise Up”. And what a great motivational message to start the day. Today and everyday from this point is a day for you to Rise Up from your ashes and flourish. It doesn’t matter what caused your ashes to form you are still here. A Fresh Start.

Make it a Mission!!! Your life is on a timer that once it ends so do you. Be on a mission to have the best life ever. Seek freedom, truth and happiness. Live without Debt, Live healthy, and Live with someone you love. Treat everyday as a mission toward the goals you outline yourself.

Successful goals MUST:

  • Be Measurable
  • Be Specific
  • Have a Time Limit
  • Be Yours
  • Be in Writing

Lastly – Dave left us with the message of Carpe Diem – A Latin phrase meaning Seize the Day. This hit home with me because I knew the movie reference he used and many of you will as well. The late, great Robin Williams, spoke to Carpe Diem in the movie Dead Poets Society. But truth be told, it reminded me and somehow I had forgotten this. On my chest above the skateboarding wheel brand “Spitfire” logo. I have the words Carpe Diem. I have a tattoo to remind me to seize the day and I have lost sight of it. I have fallen into a pit so deep that I have forgotten the purpose of a tattoo I have on my body.

So, I leave you with this. The fire, the desire to be great, has always been burning inside me. But some how over the years and surviving this thing called life, I have lost sight of the flame. But I am not defeated, I just took the long way to get back in the view of the flame. Here and now I challenge myself to RISE UP every day, face MY MISSION head on and remember to SEIZE THE DAY!!! 

Thanks for reading.




Categories Life, Motivation, Purpose

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