Ability to Chill

 Relax. Keep Calm. Slow down…. Chill.

These words/actions often escape me. In fact, more often than not, they infuriate me. 

Im a passionate person. Always have been. Often this shows itself through my inability to chill. 

Im inpatient, short and have been known to “flip-out” from time to time. But I know in my heart that my intentions are always pure in my actions. 

I think my passionate personality makes up a huge portion of who I am. Also leads to my crazy side as well. 

Being Stuck.

My passion leads me to beleive that I am destined for greatness. That all my dreams are just right around the corner. And when reality hits that Im living a “normal life” I feel like I need to make drastic changes TODAY. This often brings frantic calls to family members with ideas of quitting jobs and making implusive life changes. 

Always Right.

I tend to want to be right… a lot. And it shows itself in the form of “I told you so”. Not with the intention to be a dick but I feel my passion extends for wanting the best for people or situations. I feel like I have a good understanding of what people need or what people should do. And when people dont heed to what I say or think and it blows up on them I catch myself saying “told you so”. This can often lead to issues with my friends, family and work. 

Big Dreams. 

I love starting exciting projects. I like to call them million dollar ideas. This blog was one of those ideas. I love creating things. Building something from nothing. Gets my passion going and I feel alive. For some reason however, the pasion fades, the creation slows and i second guess my ability in being successful. 


This topic is the wildest roller coaster when it comes to my passion. I love being with someone. Holding hands, spending timetogether, laughing at nothing and everything at the same time. I can be romantic and thoughtful and emotionally invested. But the flip side of that coin, my passion can also be get me in trouble when the relationship starts to go south. Now before you call the cops on me, Im not standing outside my exes window, heavy breathing singing akons lonely. But the conversations tend to get heated and my mouth can run faster than my brain and I can come off as, well, a dick. 

My inabilty to chill is a part of who I am. My passion brings greatness to my life and with that, I must learn to montior my actions and reactions when things go south. But trust me… dont tell me to chill. It doesnt work that way. 

Thanks for reading. 

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